Keep this inhaler handy when hiking, backpacking, or traveling to encourage healthy breathing.
The essential oils in this remarkable blend have an affinity for the respiratory system. Not only are they antispasmodic, they also help to discharge phlegm and mucous from the lungs and throat and promote open airways.
Drop the essential oils onto the cotton wick of a blank inhaler, then place wick inside the inhaler.
Snap on the end cap, and unscrew the cover to inhale.
Inhale as often as needed.
Please use caution if epileptic, pregnant, or nursing.
Kid safety: Safe for kids 10 and over.
2-6 months. If the aroma starts to lessen, feel free to add the same oils to the same cotton wick as a refresher, or use a new cotton wick. However, we do recommend changing out the entire inhaler after 1 year, or if changing blends.