Seasonal Change Diffuser Blend

Seasonal Change Diffuser Blend

Balance and uplift emotions when seasonal affective disorder can take it's toll.

This blend is so helpful for times when you need extra emotional support, especially during the winter months. These oils work together to balance and uplift emotions, usher in brightness and light, heighten the senses, and promote courage and clarity. This truly is a beautiful blend!





Combine essential oils in a 5 ml amber glass bottle with orifice reducer to create a stock blend.


Add 10 - 15 drops of the stock blend to a diffuser. Use in your home or office throughout the day.

Safety and dilution

For asthmatics, please use with caution due to the cardamom.

Kid safety: Safe for kids 10 and over.

Pet safety: Ensure any pets have another space to go to if the aroma starts to bother them.

Shelf Life

If blending a larger quantity to store for future use, the ingredient with the shortest shelf life remaining becomes the shelf life of the entire blend.

Karen Williams
President, Aromatherapy & Sourcing
<div>Karen first learned of Aromatics International during her extensive studies with the Aromahead Institute. She had worked as a registered nurse for more than 35-years and wanted to enrich her career by pursuing her passion for plant-based medicine and natural wellness. After decades of continued study, Karen enjoys sharing her knowledge and experience with the aromatherapy community.&nbsp;<br><br>As our president, lead aromatherapist and product-sourcer, Karen keeps the Aromatics International vision alive. She works with small distillers around the world to offer high-quality, sustainable, organic, and wildcrafted products and share their benefits with our ever-growing community.</div>

© Aromatics International 2020